Check out how your relationship is going by using some of these resources
What is important to you in a relationship?
Keep in mind your relationship values – what is important to you in a relationship for you
Need some help, need to see what others think, need some more info about relationships?
Relationship Values
and Relationship Health
Create your own relationship values from this list; Keep an eye on your relationship values and health, check to see if you are moving away from your relationship values or not when deciding on what you might want do about an issue. Print them off and keep them handy…talk with your friends and/or your partner about what you value in a relationship.
Taitamariki found it useful to use this continuum to help understand what’s happening and in making decisions. Relationships have their ups and downs and sometimes when things happen – it depends on the circumstances as to what you may want to do. Check out what’s great about your relationship and what might need to be thought about.
Mana-enhancing is about – is my mana being respected, does this action respect me as a person - physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Is this action/behaviour diminishing my mana or enhancing it (being acknowledged), who I am, how I want to be treated – makes me feel happy and safe. Mana is an important concept relevant to well-being, both individually and collectively.
Everyone has mana – this can be shared or diminished. In a healthy relationship, each other’s mana is acknowledged by each other’s actions.
Tapa Whā
Helping to think about relationship health can be made a bit easier by using Te Whare Tapa Whā, looking at more than just one aspect at a time. Te Whare Tapa Whā symbolically is represented as a four-sided cultural/customary meeting house. Each side represents an important element of relationship health, and it is considered that each dimension is necessary to ensure strength and symmetry. The four dimensions are taha wairua (spiritual side), taha hinengaro (emotional side - thoughts and feelings), taha tinana (physical side), taha whānau (whānau, social). Together, all four are necessary and when in balance, represent ‘best health’. Each taha (side) is also intertwined with the other.
Check out how these aspects of your relationship are going, feeling…
Please help yourself to the following posters. They have been developed to be used over Social Media or as part of a teaching resource, it is totally up to you! Let’s get these great messages out as a reminder to everyone!