Ano te pai te āhuareka, ā te nohonga tahi o te ira tāne me te ira wāhine
Relationships can be complicated… not sure what’s happening in yours, what’s OK and NOT OK, how to identify things you do and don’t like and need some info that will help you make some good relationship decisions?
Over the past 4 years, the Harmonised Team have been talking & working with taitamariki / rangatahi / youth from all over the country, about what they felt was needed to help them have healthy & safe relationships… be that intimate ones with partners, or with friends, parents or wider whānau.
This website has been developed so that YOU can access and utilise the resources developed, based on their kōrero…so help yourself to them… copy them… share them… add some new ones... just make sure YOU make the decisions that are right for YOU!

Healthy relationships mean healthy whānau and whakapapa.

Taitamariki have told us that they need good information to help them have healthy safe relationships.
We talked with lots of taitamariki who told us that relationships can be complicated and sometimes you don’t always know what to do. Sometimes you don’t know where to get help. We know taitamariki understand what a healthy relationship is but with all the influences you have it’s complicated and it’s hard to ‘live it’ sometimes.
Relationships can be complicated sometimes
Not sure about what’s happening in your relationship?
Not sure what’s okay and what’s not okay?
Want to check out stuff before getting into a relationship?
check out your own relationship values, seek information that will help you with those tricky relationship issues.

“This kōrero has made
me think about
my relationship”
— Focus Groups
“I hadn’t thought about relationship values before, that was awesome”
— School Visits